Dangerous Kids' Toys

Dr. Claw

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I'm a

I find it ironic how when we were kids, we played on rusty merry go rounds, ran the streets until dark, unsupervised and just freely, no smart devices to track us, no leashes, nothing "protective". We played house and doctor and all those kid things in treehouses, dirty basements...our tire swings were made with actual rope and a tire and not some "safe" bought version (i even have a scar on my arm from my arm getting caught in the rope as my brother still kept spinning it, getting tighter + tighter until i had to just rip my arm out)
Our car seats didn't have all these straps, buckles and padding, mine had these 2 hooks at the top that hooked over the seat (my dad would hook me on a bridge while he fished - it s just hooked over the top, not fastened to it, not a ton of straps or buckles lol ) My dad would even take me on his motorcycle, as a toddler. No helmet or special seat.
Today's kids - everything is padded and so safety focused YET there's more kid injuries than EVER. They're on smart devices talking to ADULT pervs - STRANGERS - before they ever even have any kind of experience with an actual boy. Ironic. I kinda feel despite the lack of all these "safety" features today, we had resilience, we were TAUGHT to NOT TALK TO STRANGERS and today, millions of people seek strangers to talk TO. Its crazy. We aren't just making a DUMBER generation with their lack of spelling and reading and comprehension but we're making PUSSIES. No resilience. No street smarts. And what's worse is when they become keyboard warriors, ACTING tough and talking to people however they want because they think they can just because they're behind a screen and can just 'block' or cuz they're gonna get attention and "likes" on what they're saying. Block isn't a magic safety button. If someone had the skill and really wanted to find them, they could and then what. They're fucked. Where are all those ppl who thumbs upped their words on a screen, sure aint there beside them to protect them.
This is another reason i think raising kids OFF THE GRID, at first, until they have some resilience and can actually survive in the world without all this technology THEN catch up with modem life. But what happens if one day the whole world goes into some blackout ...power outage. AI somehow messes up and all of technology overloads and shuts down. What will these people do that never knew anything else.
I remember a time i was online 24.7. It became my every day.... Everything .... and i got banned. I didn't know what to do with myself. Prior to that, id been in a decade long depression that i slept day and night and had moved away from everyone and everything i knew so ALL I KNEW was online. I needed a SERIOUS wakeup. I needed to get a life and i knew it.
But about today's kids.
The amount of toy injuries in 2021 - during the height of the pandemic and IT WAS TOYS hiring our kids more than covid.

This younger generation would rather spend money and have a toy or device entertain the children than PLAY WITH THEM themselves. When my mother would clear the table and being out board games, cards, art supplies and SIT WITH US and play with us, that meant mote ro me than ANY expensive toy i could play with BY MYSELF. I enjoyed video games more when she's play than by myself. And the BIGGEST, MOST IMPORTANT part if your parent (s) there WITH YOU is even if you're playing with a toy - when something like those could happen, its noticed A LOT FASTER than if you're chatting on some website or doing anything on your phone or computer that has your attention more than your own kids. I think today's parents think they can just hand something to their kids to "entertain" them and do their own thing instead of actually watching them, taking in how they play and interact with the toy/device. And that's a sad thing when there's so many more dangers. More and more things are made with machines and not by humans and more and more mistakes are made, harming our kids.

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