Those kids are SO lucky they didn't have my mother. Haha. She'd smacked their mouth so hard then broke the iPad in a million pieces and say, NOW you have a real reason to cry. Today's kids are so effin spoiled and the LITTLEST STUPIDEST shit considered "abuse" ...omg. When I was younger, I loved kids, even worked in a daycare FOR FREE. Today, I fucking hate kids. Screaming spoiled little Fuckers... and the parents are worse, posing for selfies, ignoring the kids.. unless their in camera .. then ACTING. Ugh...
This made me think of an article I read the other day about how reading and writing in cursive is a special skill. In our days, it's all we knew. We HAD to and was even graded on how neat or messy our handwriting (IN CURSIVE) was. Shorthand was a secretarial skill used for quick note taking, not a replacement for using actual whole words. It AMAZES me how illiterate today's generation is. They cannot spell. Spelling is horrendous. Them write the animal BEAR as the weird BARE in a sentence that is using the 2nd one. When you LOSE, they'll spell lose - loose or if you're losing WEIGHT, they spell it WAIT...spelling rush is just SO SO BAD. Its sad that can't even write out a whole word when they're not even having to physically WRITE IT WITH A PEN/PENCIL on a paper. It's funny how upset they'll get if a ONE PAGE paper isn't saved or gets deleted, god forbid they have to TYPE OUT ONE PAGE again when we've had to do ESSAYS that were PAGES long by hand and if something happened or it just wasn't good enough, had to WRITE IT ALL OUT AGAIN. GRADES had to actually BE EARNED.. there was no way to cheat when you had no way to "look something up", you HAD to learn by it being taught to you VERBALLY, then REMEMBER and then do your adverts in a test ON PAPER in a class in front of the teacher. You didn't earn diplomas and degrees by LOOKING EVERYTHING up WHILE AT HOME at whatever time you want, put the answers you LOOKED UP - pass and never really have learned anything at all. I'm sorry but this generation IS ruined. It's extremely dumb. They're devices are the smart ones. Lol
But anyway, if you can read/write cursive, you're needed. It's one thing that AI still cannot do yet without human help. Some old war documents/archives that are only hand written... In cursive need to be transcribed. If you can't read/write cursive you can still help w tagging to help filter searches. You can even pick what state you want to help.
Go HERE to put that special skill today's generation prob can't do lol.
Sorry for the long rant but this generation.. WORLD has become so freaking annoying. Sometimes I can't wait to be so old I'm deaf and oblivious to everything around me. What once was sci-fi had become reality. Everybody looks the freaking same, does all the same stuff...a bunch of robots.
Sorry if anything is spelled wrong or wrong words put in - got a new phone so it doesn't quite type out what I put in yet. BUT I DO KNOW HOW TO SPELL.