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Name Tattoos

I'm a
What are your thoughts on name tattoos?

Unless it's a family member people should probably avoid it.
What are your thoughts on name tattoos?

Unless it's a family member people should probably avoid it.
Agreed. I put 5 names on me - 3 are my kids. The other 2 - I do regret. 1 is my ex fiance/Brittany's dad- will cover 1 day. The other - an x girlfriend I met in jail then lived with (Sunny Sparda) - I knew she was very well known for something that made news, is a book + documentary that happened in Fall River - worse than the Lizzie Borden thing. I heard all the stories cuz the main person also involved, Robin Murphy who i also knew from when I did time in Framingham + also in Boston when she got out on parole- briefly. I really liked both women a lot so made a point to not read the book or hear ANYTHING about it. Had a HUGE crush on Robin. Well... after me n sunny were done and I never saw Robin again - I watched the documentary - if I knew then what I know now - 🤦‍♀️I'd never have even got involved w either let above TATTOO her name. Yea . Don't do it.
I'm a
What about band names? Same or no?
I tattooed Skid Row on me when I was a teen which I have since covered. I don't regret that I loved the band and the world knowing it but at the time I didn't know the actual meaning of the words Skid Row so EVERYBODY I ever came across always asked me "Why would you tattoo that on you?" so I'd have to explain it every ring I saw someone new plus now the I knew what it meant - was kind of embarrassing. I got the covered up. I really was obsessed w the singer and had been trying to decide whether to put his name or the whole band but cuz his name was the same as another famous musician - I thought it best to just put the band. Teenage naivety. 🤦‍♀️ NOW - instead of tattooing things I really want the world to know - I put it on a t shirt lol
Too Much Rum
Staff member
I'm a
Never thought about brand names. I'm not sure. If for some reason you stop liking the brand you'll still have the tattoo. At least it's not the name of an ex though :)